ENERGY FITNESS by josh September Newsletter
Greetings! WOW, it is hard to believe that summer is almost over and football is in the air; my favorite time of the year. August was a very exciting and memorable month! Stormi Henley, Miss Tennessee Teen USA, was crowned Miss Teen USA in the Bahamas @ the Atlantis Resort the first of the month. Congratulations Stormi and “Best Wishes” on a fun and successful year. I spoke to the participants of Dale Smith Thomas’s Boot Camp for Beauty Queens on fitness and nutrition, and put them through a couple of vigorous workouts. I spoke to the contestants in the Miss Tennessee USA and Teen USA pageants at orientation in Clarksville, TN. I also did an interview with the Edmonton Sun out of Canada. Check it out @ www.edmontonsun.com/keepingfit. I began a project with Nashville Lifestyles Magazine, which is going to be very interesting. Stay tuned for more info… Also, check out August 31st issue of Star Magazine and my quotes on celebrities and their battle with cellulite.
September looks to be even busier. On September 17th-19th, I will be in my hometown of Greensburg, KY at the annual Cows Days Festival selling/signing DVD’s. Those of you around the Central Kentucky area, please stop by and say “hello” and purchase your “NO EXCUSES!!!” DVD. On Saturday, September 26th from 1:00—3:00 pm @ Borders Bookstore in Franklin, TN (545 Cool Springs Blvd.) I will be having a DVD signing, as well as free body fat testing, prizes, and special promotions. Hope to see you there! Those of you who still haven’t ordered your “NO EXCUSES” DVD, log on to the website and order your copy today @ www.energyfitnessbyjosh.com.
ENERGY FITNESS by josh presents…” NO EXCUSES to a Healthier You Campaign!!!” Whether your excuse is time, finances or knowledge—fitness guru, Josh Rogers, removes those excuses with a free wellness clinic, one hour per week and easy to follow information on health, eating habits, motivation and lifestyle changes…The kickoff date is set for November 7th, 2009 with a fitness fair. I would really like to reach obese individuals who are looking to make a lifestyle change. The program is going to be limited to 20 participants, and they will be chosen based on a short survey/questionnaire. If you know anyone who may be interested in participating, please have them contact me @ energyfitbyjosh@yahoo.com. We are also looking for volunteers and people to help out with prizes, encouragement, etc.
Take advantage of the ENERGY FITNESS by josh “Back to School Specials”:
• Single Personal Training Session $65 (Reg. $70)
• 5 Personal Training Sessions $300 (Reg. $300)
• 10 Personal Training Sessions $550 (Reg. $600)
• 15 Personal Training Sessions $725 (Reg. $800)
• 20 Personal Training Sessions $1000 ($1100)
Group Fitness Classes--Location/Schedule/Times:
Nashville Christ Church—Hardwick Activity Center
15354 Old Hickory Blvd.; Nashville, TN 37211
Monday: 9:30 am; 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am; 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:30 am
Saturday: 8:30 am; 11:00 am
Those of you technology savvy people follow ENERGY FITNESS by josh on the following:
10 Tips for Fall Fitness
Fall is a super season for shaping up, experts say.
By Barbara Russi Sarnataro
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
How many New Year's Eves have you spent sipping champagne and vowing to get more fit in the coming year? And how many times have you failed to follow through?
"December 31 over a drink is too late to set goals and make promises," says Justin Price, owner of The Biomechanics, a personal training and wellness coaching facility in San Diego, Calif.
Fall, on the other hand, is a great time to start a fitness program because "'you're going to create good habits for the holiday season and the upcoming winter months," says Price.
Chris Freytag, a fitness instructor and fitness expert with Prevention magazine, agrees.
"With the change of seasons comes a renewed time to rethink and restart," she says. "'What's so special about January?"
Besides, says Freytag, a mother of three, moms with school-aged kids "think of September as the new year."
Here are 10 ways to start making the most of the season. And who knows? This year, you might be in great shape before that New Year's Eve party rolls around.
1. Take advantage of the weather. Fall can be a treat for the senses: the crisp air, apple picking, pumpkin carving, a gorgeous canopy of fall foliage, and the crunch of leaves underfoot. These months are a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy cooler temperatures.
"Walking, hiking and cycling are all awesome in the fall," says Todd Durkin, MS, fitness coach and owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, Calif.
Discover park trails and take in some new scenery, whether you're walking, biking, or in-line skating, he suggests.
In places where snow falls early, try cross country skiing or snowshoeing. Or, if you live near the beach, get out and play volleyball, throw the Frisbee around, or play a vigorous game of fetch with your dog.
"It's a great time to do beach activities because it's so much less crowded," says Price.
If you're near a lake, try kayaking or canoeing, for an excellent whole-body workout and a great change of pace.
And remember, it doesn't have to seem like exercise to be a great workout.
"Raking leaves or doing some fall outdoor yard work is a great way to get the heart pumping, and it's great calorie-burning," says Freytag.
2. Think outside the box. Always wanted to learn to tap dance? Attempt to box? Master the jump rope? Ask any schoolchild: Fall is a great time to learn something new.
Many classes at gyms and elsewhere get started in the fall, so look around and see if something intrigues you.
And with the kids in school, parents have more time to check out those classes, Freytag says.
Fall is the perfect time to gain new physical skills, Price says, because you burn fewer calories when you begin a new activity (thanks to the learning curve). If you learn something new now, by next summer, you'll have mastered the skill -- and you'll burn more calories doing it, just in time for swimsuit season.
3. Be an active TV watcher. Many people get geared up for fall premieres of their favorite television shows, says Freytag. "If you're going to sit down and watch hours of TV, get moving," she suggests. "Make a date with exercise and TV."
While you watch, you can walk or run in place, do standing lunges, do tricep dips off the couch, or lift weights. During commercials, do push-ups or sit-ups. In a one-hour show, you probably have close to 20 minutes worth of commercial interruption.
4. Integrate exercise into your life. You already know the obvious suggestions: park farther away from your destination; take stairs instead of elevators; take a walk during your lunch break. Here are a few that are less obvious:
• If you're spending the afternoon taking kids to soccer practice, instead of reading a book or visiting with another parent, "why not walk around the outside of the field while they practice?", suggests Price. "Or (if you feel comfortable) warm up and cool down with the kids."
• Or try "walking meetings," like those Price and his colleagues at Biomechanics often hold. '"We go for a walk, we brainstorm, and we figure out who's going to take what responsibilities," says Price. "'Things get achieved much more quickly," he says, and everyone feels better for doing it.
• You can even get moving while you get motivated -- for fitness or other life goals. '"Get some inspirational music or find a motivational talk and download it to your iPod," suggests Durkin. Walk while you listen for 30 minutes.
5. Rejuvenate yourself. Fall is the time to rejuvenate body, mind and spirit, says Durkin. Get a massage after your run. Learn to meditate. Take an art class. Treat yourself not just with exercise but other activities that promote wellness, he says, so you can feel good physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
6. Remember the 30-day rule. "'It takes about four weeks for the body to adapt to lifestyle changes," says Price. That's why people who give up on their fitness programs tend to do so within the first 30 days.
So, when the alarm goes off in the morning and it's darker and colder, don't roll over and hit the snooze button.
"Try to stick with a program for a month," Price says. "After a month, behavior patterns will have adapted and it will be much easier to stick with it after that."
7. Strive for the 3 Cs. Freytag calls commitment, convenience, and consistency "the three Cs", and says having all three will lead to a successful fitness program.
First, exercise takes commitment. When a client complains to Freytag about a lack of time, she responds: "Tell me something I haven't heard before. We're all busy; that's just part of our lives.
"You have to start planning exercise, just like you do everything else," like meetings, dinners, and getting kids to lessons and practice, she says. "Put in on the calendar, because later always turns into never."
Convenience means choosing a gym that's close by, or an activity you can do at home, or a time when you're not likely to be interrupted.
Finally, there's consistency. "I'd rather see a brand-new client work out for 10 minutes a day rather than one hour every month," Freytag says
8. Deal with darkness. The best way to enjoy fall is to exercise outdoors. But it is getting darker earlier, and staying dark later in the morning, so be smart and safe.
"Just because it's 6 p.m. (or a.m.) and dark doesn't mean you can't work out," says Durkin. If walking or running outdoors, he says, "wear a reflective vest and carry a flashlight."
When cycling, affix a light to your helmet or bike.
If possible, use trails or a local school track to avoid vehicle traffic. Try to work out at the same time every day, so drivers get used to seeing you.
9. Dress in layers. When exercising outside, layer your clothing. Before your body warms up, you may feel chilled, but once the blood gets pumping, you'll feel overdressed.
These days, there's no lack of great weather gear. Freytag and Price recommend clothing with wicking, often called "DriFit."' This fabric wicks moisture away from your skin so you're not exercising with wet fabric hanging on you.
Freytag suggests three layers: "The inner layer should be a moisture-wicking fabric, so it wicks away sweat and you're not chilled. The second layer should be a warmth layer, and the third layer should be a protective layer (like a windbreaker or rain slicker, depending on the weather)."
"And don't forget the sunglasses," she warns. UV protection is important year round. Fall sun can be blinding at certain times of the day.
10. Find your motivation. "People are motivated by different things," says Durkin. It's important to first discover what your individual goals are, whether it's losing weight, strengthening and toning, or preparing for a race or event, says Durkin.
But goals aren't enough to get you there; you have to be motivated by the day-to-day workouts, he says. So choose something you'll enjoy doing and will be likely to keep up, whether it's walking or hiking with a friend, working with a trainer, or taking part in a "boot camp" class.
Creating a challenge for yourself will motivate you, as will encouragement and accountability, he adds. "You want to know when you're doing a good job, and when you're not," says Durkin.
Remember too, that anything worth having takes work.
"Tell me something you can do three times a week for 10 minutes and be great at? It doesn't exist," he says. "If it was easy to be great, everybody would be great."
Recipe of the Month:
One of the best parts of watching the big game is enjoying delicious food. But many traditional game-day favorites are loaded with calories—the average fan can take in an estimated 1,200 calories in one sitting. Score points with your fellow fans by putting a healthy twist on the tailgating fun. Check out www.eatingwell.com for other healthy tailgating recipes. Even though boneless Buffalo wings are made with healthy white-meat chicken, they’re usually deep-fried and drenched in hot sauce laced with butter. The solution: chicken tenders are dredged in seasoned whole-wheat flour and cornmeal, pan-fried in only a small amount of oil and then drizzled with a tangy hot pepper sauce. With a fraction of the fat, calories and sodium, these boneless wings are reason enough to throw a party.
Boneless Buffalo Wings
Makes 8 servings (2 “wings,” 1/2 cup vegetables & 2 tablespoons dip each)
ACTIVE TIME: 30 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 40 minutes
Spicy Blue Cheese Dip
2/3 cup reduced-fat sour cream
2/3 cup crumbled blue cheese
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Wings & Vegetables
3 tablespoons nonfat buttermilk (see Tip)
3 tablespoons hot sauce, such as Frank’s RedHot, divided
3 tablespoons distilled white vinegar, divided
2 pounds chicken tenders (see Ingredient Note)
6 tablespoons whole-wheat flour
6 tablespoons cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons canola oil, divided
2 cups carrot sticks
2 cups celery sticks
1. To prepare dip: Whisk sour cream, blue cheese, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
2. To prepare wings: Whisk buttermilk, 2 tablespoons hot sauce and 2 tablespoons vinegar in a large bowl until combined. Add chicken; toss to coat. Transfer to the refrigerator and let marinate for at least 10 minutes or up to 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
3. Meanwhile, whisk flour and cornmeal in a shallow dish. Whisk the remaining 1 tablespoon hot sauce and 1 tablespoon vinegar in a small bowl; set aside.
4. Remove the chicken from the marinade and roll in the flour mixture until evenly coated. (Discard remaining marinade and flour mixture.) Sprinkle both sides of the chicken with 1/2 teaspoon cayenne.
5. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add half the chicken, placing each piece in a little oil. Cook until golden brown and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a serving platter. Repeat with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and chicken, reducing the heat if necessary to prevent burning. Transfer to the platter. Drizzle the chicken with the reserved hot sauce mixture. Serve with carrots, celery and Spicy Blue Cheese Dip.
NUTRITION INFORMATION: Per serving: 256 calories; 10 g fat (4 g sat, 4 g mono); 83 mg cholesterol; 12 g carbohydrate; 31 g protein; 2 g fiber; 353 mg sodium; 248 mg potassium.
Nutrition bonus: Vitamin A (120% daily value).
1 Carbohydrate Serving
Exchanges: 1/2 starch, 1 vegetable, 3 1/2 lean meat
TIP: Tip: No buttermilk? You can use buttermilk powder prepared according to package directions. Or make “sour milk”: mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar to 1 cup milk.
Ingredient note: Chicken tenders, virtually fat-free, are a strip of rib meat typically found attached to the underside of the chicken breast, but they can also be purchased separately. Four 1-ounce tenders will yield a 3-ounce cooked portion. Tenders are perfect for quick stir-fries, chicken satay or kid-friendly breaded “chicken fingers.”
MAKE AHEAD TIP: The chicken can marinate (Step 1) for up to 1 hour.
• Another shout out to Miss Teen USA Stormi Henley; Miss Georgia Teen USA and 1st Runner-Up @ Miss Teen USA, Brooke Fletcher; Miss Kentucky Teen USA and Top 15 Semi-Finalist, Jefra Bland; and Miss Nevada Teen USA and Top 15 Semi-Finalist, Ileri Tunrarebi.
• Mrs. Tennessee America, Letitia Carpenter, and Mrs. Mississippi America, Suzanne Duckworth, as they compete for the title of Mrs. America this month.
• Crystal Hoylt and Trailer Choir on their top twenty hit, “Rocking the Beer Gut!”
• Christina Ryan, thanks for creating and designing all my ads and flyers—you’re a creative genius!!!
• Stacie Standifer and Nashville Lifestyles Magazine, thanks for your support and letting me be a part of your upcoming fitness project.
• To anyone celebrating a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, etc. Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!
• To everyone, Thanks for being ENERGY FIT and FABULOUS!!!
Quote of the month:
"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."
- Mark Twain
Josh Rogers
B.S., Exercise Science; NASM, C.P.T.