WOW, the holiday season is fast approaching! Did you know that the average American gains eight pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s—not cute, right? Don’t be the average person this year—take advantage of ENERGY FITNESS by josh’s holiday specials:
• Buy 15 Personal Training Sessions for $900 and receive 1 free session.
• Buy 20 Personal Training Sessions for $1100 and receive 2 free sessions.
• Unlimited Group Fitness Classes for the month $100 (offer only good for November and December).
Where: A Game (215 Gothic Ct. Franklin, TN 37067—Right off 65 South, Cool Springs Blvd. Exit)
When: Monday @ 6:00 pm; Wednesday @ 6:00 pm; and Saturday @ 8:30 am
Give the gift of fitness this holiday season with an ENERGY FITNESS by josh Gift Certificate or NO EXCUSES!!! Workout DVD—order @ www.energyfitnessbyjosh.com. ENERGY FITNESS by josh also offers personal training (private facility and in-home training), nutrition advice, corporate fitness programs, boot camps and seminars. COMMIT 2 BE FIT TODAY!!!
Don’t wait till 2011, start your New Year’s Resolution today with the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. Want to lose weight, tone up, or just get healthy? See how these amazing products have helped Americans lose over 2 million pounds in a little over a year. Join the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge TODAY…visit www.jrogers.bodybyvi.com for more details or contact me for more information.
Please, help ENERGY FITNESS by josh donate to children and families who don’t have the means to get the nutrition they need each day. Go to www.jrogers.visalusgiving.com. Donate 30 meals for only $24, and ViSalus will match every donation, meal for meal. My goal is for ENERGY FITNESS by josh to donate 1,000 meals by Christmas. I ask for your help to reach this goal. Thanks for your generosity and support!!!
Are you interested in running/walking the Country Music Half Marathon in April? Lee Ann Fray and I will be coordinating a training group to prepare for the event. Email me @ energyfitbyjosh@yahoo.com if you are interested. Stay tuned for more info, as we will not begin training until after the New Year…
• Check out my column on “Ten Common Nutritional Mistakes made by Active People” in this month’s Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. Order your subscription @ www.nashvillelifestyles.com.
• Congrats to Ashley Durham, 2011 Miss Tennessee USA, and Kaitlin White, 2011 Miss Tennessee Teen USA. Looking forward to an exciting year with you both!
• A BIG Shout-Out to the participants in FRA’s Biggest Loser Competition—you all are doing great! Keep up the hardwork!!!
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Mississippi USA/Teen USA Pageants this month in Tunica, MS.
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Indiana USA/Teen USA Pageants in Carmel, IN.
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Alabama USA/Teen USA Pageants this month in Tuscaloosa, AL. A special shout out to Audrey Moore, 2010 Miss Alabama USA—congrats on a great year! It was an honor to work with you!
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Kentucky USA/Teen USA Pageants this month in Louisville, KY. Congrats to Kindra Clark, 2010 Miss Kentucky USA, and Taylor Hubbard, 2010 Miss Kentucky Teen USA, on successful reigns. I enjoyed working with and getting to know you both!
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Georgia USA/Teen USA Pageants this month in Cartersville, Ga. A BIG shout out to Cassady Lance, 2010 Miss Georgia USA, on a great year! The third time was a charm, right? I am soo proud of you and all your hardwork and dedication. You and your amazing family will always hold a special place in my heart! Caroline Wade, 2010 Miss Georgia Teen USA, it was an honor to work with you. Best of luck in all you do!
• Attention Kentucky Pageant Girls: I will be in Lexington, KY on Thursday, November 11th and Friday, November 12th taking appointments. Spots are filling up fast, so reserve your spot ASAP.
• Congratulations and Best Wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, etc.
• To all my clients—as always, thanks for your commitment to be ENERGY FIT—you all are the BEST!!!
10 Tips for a Thinner Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, so why not go ahead and splurge? Because gaining weight during the holiday season is a national pastime. Year after year, most of us pack on at least a pound (some gain more) during the holidays -- and keep the extra weight permanently.
But Thanksgiving does not have to sabotage your weight, experts say. With a little know-how, you can satisfy your desire for traditional favorites and still enjoy a guilt-free Thanksgiving feast. After all, being stuffed is a good idea only if you are a turkey!
Get Active
Create a calorie deficit by exercising to burn off extra calories before you ever indulge in your favorite foods, suggests Connie Diekman, MEd, RD, former president of the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
"'Eat less and exercise more' is the winning formula to prevent weight gain during the holidays," Diekman says. "Increase your steps or lengthen your fitness routine the weeks ahead and especially the day of the feast."
Make fitness a family adventure, recommends Susan Finn, PhD, RD, chair of the American Council on Fitness and Nutrition: "Take a walk early in the day and then again after dinner. It is a wonderful way for families to get physical activity and enjoy the holiday together."
Eat Breakfast
While you might think it makes sense to save up calories for the big meal, experts say eating a small meal in the morning can give you more control over your appetite. Start your day with a small but satisfying breakfast -- such as an egg with a slice of whole-wheat toast, or a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk -- so you won't be starving when you arrive at the gathering.
"Eating a nutritious meal with protein and fiber before you arrive takes the edge off your appetite and allows you to be more discriminating in your food and beverage choices," says Diekman.
Lighten Up
Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner or bringing a few dishes to share, make your recipes healthier with less fat, sugar, and calories.
"There is more sugar and fat in most recipes than is needed, and no one will notice the difference if you skim calories by using lower calorie ingredients," says Diekman.
Her suggestions:
• Use fat-free chicken broth to baste the turkey and make gravy.
• Use sugar substitutes in place of sugar and/or fruit purees instead of oil in baked goods.
• Reduce oil and butter wherever you can.
• Try plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream in creamy dips, mashed potatoes, and casseroles.
Police Your Portions
• Thanksgiving tables are bountiful and beautiful displays of traditional family favorites. Before you fill your plate, survey the buffet table and decide what you're going to choose. Then select reasonable-sized portions of foods you cannot live without.
"Don't waste your calories on foods that you can have all year long," suggests Diekman. "Fill your plate with small portions of holiday favorites that only come around once a year so you can enjoy desirable, traditional foods."
• Skip the Seconds.
Try to resist the temptation to go back for second helpings.
"Leftovers are much better the next day, and if you limit yourself to one plate, you are less likely to overeat and have more room for a delectable dessert," Diekman says.
• Choose the Best Bets on the Buffet.
While each of us has our own favorites, keep in mind that some holiday foods are better choices than others.
"White turkey meat, plain vegetables, roasted sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, defatted gravy, and pumpkin pie tend to be the best bets because they are lower in fat and calories," says Diekman. But she adds that, "if you keep your portions small, you can enjoy whatever you like."
Slowly Savor
Eating slowly, putting your fork down between bites, and tasting each mouthful is one of the easiest ways to enjoy your meal and feel satisfied with one plate full of food, experts say. Choosing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, salads, and other foods with lots of water and fiber add to the feeling of fullness.
Spread out the food and fun all day long. At the Finn family Thanksgiving gathering, they schedule dessert after a walk, while watching a movie together.
"We eat midday, and instead of another meal at dinnertime, we continue the feast with dessert a few hours after the main meal," Finn explains.
Go Easy on Alcohol
Don't forget those alcohol calories that can add up quickly.
"Have a glass of wine or a wine spritzer and between alcoholic drinks, (or) enjoy sparkling water," says Diekman. "this way you stay hydrated, limit alcohol calories, and stay sober."
Be Realistic
The holiday season is a time for celebration. With busy schedules and so many extra temptations, this is a good time to strive for weight maintenance instead of weight loss.
"Shift from a mindset of weight loss to weight maintenance," says Finn. "You will be ahead of the game if you can avoid gaining any weight over the holidays."
Focus on Family and Friends
Thanksgiving is not just about the delicious bounty of food. It's a time to celebrate relationships with family and friends.
"The main event should be family and friends socializing, spending quality time together, not just what is on the buffet," says Finn.
Quote of the Month:
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving! Until next time…
Josh Rogers
B.S., Exercise Science; NASM, C.P.T.