Summer is here…Time to show off those “ENERGY FIT” bodies that you have been working so hard for!!!
Keep that flat stomach and those buns of steel by taking advantage of one of my “June Specials:”
· Buy 20 Personal Training Sessions for $1200 and receive 1 free training session.
· I will now be offering ½ hour training sessions for $40 per session; 10 sessions for $380; or 20 sessions for $700.
· I want to offer a Summer Boot Camp on MWF mornings (6 or 7 AM) and/or MW evenings (6 pm). Cost would be $15 per class or $100 for unlimited classes for the month. Group discounts available. Contact me ASAP if you are interested…
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, promotions, etc. from ENERGY FITNESS by josh @:
· www.energyfitnessbyjosh.com
· www.energyfitnessbyjosh.blogspot.com
· www.twitter.com/energyfitbyjosh
· www.facebook.com/energyfitnessbyjosh.com
Leann Fray and I of RESULTS fitness will offer one “Boot Camp in the Park” this month on Saturday, June 4th @ 7:30 AM @ Centennial Park by the Parthenon. Cost is $20. Come join us for some fun in the park…
Transform your life with the ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. Want to lose weight, tone up, or just get healthy? See how these amazing products have helped Americans lose over 4 million pounds in two short years. Join the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge TODAY…visit www.jrogers.bodybyvi.com for more details or contact me for more information.
Please, help ENERGY FITNESS by josh donate to children and families who don’t have the means to get the nutrition they need each day. Go to www.jrogers.visalusgiving.com. Donate 30 meals for only $24, and ViSalus will match every donation, meal for meal. My goal is for ENERGY FITNESS by josh to donate 2,000 meals by the end of the year. Thanks for your generosity and support!
ENERGY FIT News/Shout-Outs:
· Good Luck to my ENERGY FIT ladies @ Miss USA: Keeley Patterson, Miss Mississippi USA; Ashley Durham, Miss Tennessee USA; Madeline Mitchell, Miss Alabama USA; Kaylin Reque, Miss Georgia USA; and Kia Hampton, Miss Kentucky USA. Make sure to tune into the live telecast on Sunday, June 19th on NBC from Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada and see who will be crowned Miss USA 2011. You can vote for one of the top 15 semi-finalists by logging onto www.usa.com. I will be posting pics on facebook and my blog from the competition.
· Check out my monthly fitness column in Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. To order your subscription, go to www.nashvillelifestyles.com.
· Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Miss Tennessee America Pageant later this month in Jackson, TN.
· Congratulations to Tiffany Love, 2011 Mrs. Georgia United States!
· I can’t wait till June 9th, which is the due date of my baby niece, Maggie Kay Daniels. Congrats to my sister and brother-in-law, Kayla and Mike Daniels! I can’t wait to spoil her rotten! I will be posting pics on FB and my blog. Stay tuned…
· To everyone celebrating a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, etc. this month—Congratulations and Best Wishes!
I stumbled upon this great article and wanted to share it with you all. Warning…your mouth is going to water!!! Make sure to click on the bold words for delicious recipe ideas. ENJOY!!!
Ten Healthy Summer Foods That Won’t Break the Bank
By: Brie Cadman (View Profile)
Eating fresh, local, and in-season foods couldn’t be any easier than it is during the summertime. Fruit seems to drip off trees, vines burst with red and golden tomatoes, and yellow zucchini blossoms give way to long tubes of green. Whether you get your goods from the farmer’s market, a roadside stand, or your own backyard, the following ten seasonal fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest and easiest to incorporate into your diet. What’s more, most of them are at their cheapest during the summer—running about a mere dollar or so per serving—making eating well as inexpensive as it is enjoyable.
1. Watermelons
Composed of about 90 percent water, sweet watermelons are an easy way to stay hydrated during the hot summer months. They also pack in nutrients, including vitamin A, B6, and C. In addition, watermelon, like most melons, is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and citrulline. Researchers have also recently found that watermelon has “Viagra-like” properties, helping to relax blood vessels and even increase libido. As if eating it wasn’t exciting enough! Blended watermelon makes a refreshing drink, served plain or with a kick.
2. Tomatoes
A vine-ripened tomato, plucked straight from the plant, is arguably the ultimate summertime treat. (Peaches and cherries also vie for the title.) And full of vitamin C, beta carotene, and lycopene, tomatoes are nutritional powerhouses. Their versatility makes them easy to incorporate into many meals, and because they’re so prolific during the summer, farm fresh fruits are usually well-priced. Try them in pico-de-gallo salsa, cool down on a hot evening with healthful gazpacho, or try a simple caprese salad.
3. Berries
Berries are at their sweetest and juiciest during the warm summer months, and because there are so many varieties out there, you’ll never run out of options and tastes. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries … the list goes on. All berries are low in calories, high in vitamin C (with strawberries being the highest), and a good source of antioxidants and fiber. Some berries, like raspberries, can be relatively pricey, but if you’re near the woods or even an unkempt yard, free berry options abound! They’re great in sweet classics like blueberry muffins or in savory dishes like blackberry
4. Peppers
Though peppers are available year-round, they are most flavorful and inexpensive during the summer, when they’re in season. Sweet bell peppers, especially the yellow and red varieties, are packed with vitamin A, C, B6, and fiber. Chili peppers are no wimps when it comes to nutrition, either. In addition to containing the same vitamins and antioxidants as sweet peppers, spicy peppers have been shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Sweet peppers are delicious skewered and barbequed; chili peppers give this nopalita salad a bite.
5. Peaches
Growing up I had a peach tree in the backyard, and during July and August the tree would become so laden with fruit, we had to prop up the branches with sticks. I used to average around two peaches a day, and their sweet, juicy flavor is one that, for me, as with many people, is closely associated with summer. Taste alone is reason to eat them, but they’re also high in vitamin C and A, a good source of fiber and antioxidants, and contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which might prevent age-related macular degeneration. Try them in smoothies and in peach cobbler.
6. Squash
Summer squash, including zucchini, crookneck, and patty pan (roundish ones) are high in manganese and vitamin C, and a good source of many other nutrients, including vitamin A and B. They’re low in calories and since most squash plants produce more bounty than one person can handle, they can be easy to come by in garden-friendly neighborhoods. At my local farmer’s market, I was able to pick up four small squash for one dollar—not bad! Perfect in zucchini lasagna.
7. Basil
Basil’s heady fragrance lends itself to numerous dishes and goes well with another summertime favorite, tomato. In addition to adding a flavorful punch, it’s also a good source of vitamin K, A, and calcium. Studies have also found that fresh basil has anti-microbial properties. Usually a buck or two per bunch, basil is easily incorporated into dishes, as in this fresh corn salad or homemade basil-infused oil.
8. Figs
Though some are averse to their texture, for those that love figs, they are a heavenly delicacy. Available from June into fall, figs are a favorite of Mediterranean climates like California. They range in color from the blackish-purple Mission to the greenish-yellow Calimyrna. High in potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, figs go well in sweet and savory dishes and are a nice accompaniment to goat cheese.
9. Plums
Never lacking in the variety of color, textures, and tastes, plums season lasts from about May to October, and during this time you’ll find a huge assortment in the markets. Plums, like apricots, peaches, and nectarines, are considered drupes, or fruits that have a hard stone pit. High in vitamin C, A, and fiber, they are also rich in antioxidants. The dried form is best known for its laxative properties. Plums are plentifully and most people with trees don’t know what to do with the excess, so obtaining them for free is easy, if they grow in your area. With all the leftovers, they can be eaten straight, sliced in a fruit tart, or made into plum jam.
10. Green Beans
Green or string beans are usually found year-round at large grocery stores but the summer and early fall is when you’ll find them at their best—crunchy and extra sweet. Rich vitamin K, C, manganese, and a good source of beta-carotene make them an excellent addition to a summer’s meal. An easy side dish is this green beans with roasted almonds.
Truthfully, it’s hard to limit this list to just ten. Almost all of the fresh produce you’ll find in the summer is healthful, and it’s just a matter of what’s available—cherries rather than berries, nectarines instead of peaches, or parsley instead of basil. If it’s colorful, fresh, and in season, you really can’t go wrong.
Until next time, here’s to an ENERGY FIT summer…
Commit 2 be FIT,