Well, spring is finally in the air, which means swimsuit season is just right around the corner. Make sure that your body is looking ENERGY FIT this spring with one of ENERGY FITNESS by josh Spring Break Specials:
· Buy 20 Personal Training Sessions @ $1100 and receive 1 free session.
· Buy 20 Group Fitness Classes @ $250 and receive 2 free classes.
· Buy 15 Group Fitness Classes @ $200 and receive 1 free class.
Group Fitness Classes are held @ A Game—215 Gothic Ct. Franklin, TN 37067—Right off 65 South, Cool Springs Blvd. Exit).
· ENERGY FITNESS by josh is now offering couple/group (2-4 people) training sessions. Email me @ energyfitbyjosh@yahoo.com for details.
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, promotions, etc. from ENERGY FITNESS by josh @:
· www.energyfitnessbyjosh.com
· www.energyfitnessbyjosh.blogspot.com
· www.twitter.com/energyfitbyjosh
· www.facebook.com/energyfitnessbyjosh.com
ENERGY FIT News/Shout-Outs:
· Check out my monthly column in Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. This month’s topic is “Spring Break 2011: Are you Ready?” Order your subscription @ www.nashvillelifestyles.com TODAY!
· I am scheduled to be on Channel 5’s “Talk of the Town” this month to discuss tips on how to get back on track with your New Year resolution fitness goals, as well as demonstrate a few exercises. Stay tuned for the date…
· I am very excited to announce that I have joined TMG-Pageant Network as the Fitness Expert/Correspondent. Visit www.pageantnetwork.net for all the latest news and updates. Also, make sure to “like” TMG-Pageant Network on Facebook. TMG is pleased to present Pageant Network®, the first and only company providing comprehensive multimedia, multinational pageant coverage. Based in the Pageant Capital of the World, Las Vegas, our voice and vision is entirely dedicated to the pageant community worldwide. Pageant Network® is an all-pageant global network that includes digital content, videos, photos, blogs, a social networking community and events, all focused on the pageant world.
· Join me on the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge to get “bikini body ready” before the summer. Visit www.jrogers.bodybyvi.com to see how these amazing products have helped Americans lose over 3 million pounds in less than two years.
· A BIG shout out to the RESULTS fitness Half Marathon Training Group. We have been hard at it since the middle of January. Our motto for the race is…”We don’t go all the way—13.1 miles!”
· Another BIG shout out to Franklin Road Academy’s Biggest Loser Participants—the pounds are melting away! I can’t wait to reveal the winner later in the month. Stay tuned…
· Attention Alabama Peeps: I will be in Birmingham on March 25th-27th performing consults and training sessions. I only have a few spots available—email me for details ASAP @ energyfitbyjosh@yahoo.com.
· Congratulations to the 2011 Mrs. Tennessee America, Melody Usdan, and the 2011 Mrs. Mississippi America, Michelle Cole.
· Tune in to the Amazing Race All Stars on CBS on Sundays @ 7 pm cst to watch my friends and clients, Gary and Mallory Ervin compete. Last week they came in 1st place. Congrats Gary and “my little chipmunk,” Mallory!!!
· To all my clients celebrating a Birthday, Anniversary, special occasion, etc.—Congratulations and Best Wishes…
I have been keeping up with Dean Karnazes since learning about his plan to run from California to New York, a trip of nearly 3,000 miles that will require up to 14 hours daily and an average of 50-60 miles daily. Yes, you read that correctly! I am attaching a short article on Karnazes from the Los Angeles Times. I encourage you to keep up with his journey @ www.ultramarathonrunner.com.
Southern California native to run coast to coast on live TV
Runner Dean Karnazes is about to set out on what he calls "without a doubt the most intense endeavor I've ever undertaken.”
For a guy whose running resume includes 50 marathons in 50 days in all 50 states, that's saying a lot.
But running a mere 26.2 miles every day for less than two months is nothing compared with what he's setting out to do Friday from Disneyland. His plan is to run from California to New York, a trip of nearly 3,000 miles that will require up to 14 hours daily and an average of 50-60 miles a day.
And he's doing it on live television. The nationally syndicated show “Live! With Regis and Kelly” will be tracking his progress all the way, starting with a live sendoff during Friday's broadcast. A bus carrying a production crew will follow Karnazes, enabling the show to check in with him almost every day.
“We plan to document this entire journey,” executive producer Michael Gelman said. “We're a live show, and this is going to be a live, real-time drama. We're really going to cover it.”
Karnazes is expected to cross a finish line at the "Live!" studio in Manhattan around May 11. Before that he will pass through 17 states and Washington, D.C., and expects to go through some 12 pairs of running shoes.
“I think uncertainty is part of the appeal,” said Karnazes, who was born in Inglewood and grew up in Diamond Bar and San Clemente. “I never feel certainty when I start one of these endeavors, and I feel doubts along the way. Let's face it, the stakes are high this time. There are a lot of eyeballs following this thing. I've kind of put myself in a scary situation and I've never felt more intimidated.
“But I've never felt a tingle like this. Let's get out there!”
A second bus carrying Karnazes' trainer and support team as well as his home base will also be on the road with the 48-year-old runner and fitness advocate.
Along the way Karnazes will also update his blog, make various media appearances and a series of charity running events benefiting Action for Healthy Kids, starting with a 5K run in Riverside on Saturday.
And I think running 13.1 miles is a challenge, LOL!!!
Quote of the Month:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein
Until next time…
Josh Rogers
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