Hello Friends! Is your body ENERGY FIT and ready for the “Summer of 2011?” It’s hard to believe that warm weather, bikinis and board shorts, summer vacations, sleeveless shirts, short shorts, and the list goes on is here. Make sure that your body is “tight and right” for the season of vanity. Take advantage of ENERGY FITNESS by josh’s “Summer of 2011” Specials:
• Buy 20 Personal Training Sessions @ $1200 and receive 1 free session.
• Refer a friend and receive a free group fitness class/personal training session (referral for personal training = free personal training session; referral for group fitness class = free group training session).
• Buy 20 Group Fitness Classes @ $250 and receive 2 free classes.
• Buy 15 Group Fitness Classes @ $200 and receive 1 free class.
Group Fitness Classes are held @ A Game—215 Gothic Ct. Franklin, TN 37067—Right off 65 South, Cool Springs Blvd. Exit). Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday @ 6:00 pm.
• ENERGY FITNESS by josh is now offering couple/group (2-4 people) training sessions. Email me @ energyfitbyjosh@yahoo.com for details.
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, promotions, etc. from ENERGY FITNESS by josh @:
• www.energyfitnessbyjosh.com
• www.energyfitnessbyjosh.blogspot.com
• www.twitter.com/energyfitbyjosh
• www.facebook.com/energyfitnessbyjosh.com
Leann Fray and I of RESULTS fitness will be offering Saturday AM “Boot Camps in the Park” beginning this month. Make sure to check out www.resultsfitness.me for details. I will also send out a reminder email. If you are interested in participating, contact Leann or me.
Speaking of RESULTS fitness, we concluded our half marathon training by participating in the Country Music Half Marathon on Saturday, April 30th. Congratulations to all our team members on completing this BIG feat! This was my first half marathon, and I must admit I have caught the bug. I am already planning on running the Chicago Half and the full in Washington DC in October—call me crazy!!! Leann and I thoroughly enjoyed coaching the group and look forward to continuing the tradition next year. Our motto for the training was…”We don’t go all the way, 13.1!!!”
Transform your life with the ViSalus Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. Want to lose weight, tone up, or just get healthy? See how these amazing products have helped Americans lose over 4 million pounds in two short years. Join the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge TODAY…visit www.jrogers.bodybyvi.com for more details or contact me for more information.
Please, help ENERGY FITNESS by josh donate to children and families who don’t have the means to get the nutrition they need each day. Go to www.jrogers.visalusgiving.com. Donate 30 meals for only $24, and ViSalus will match every donation, meal for meal. My goal is for ENERGY FITNESS by josh to donate 2,000 meals by the end of the year. Thanks for your generosity and support!
ENERGY FIT News/Shout-Outs:
• Check out my monthly fitness column in Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. To order your subscription, visit www.nashvillelifestlyes.com.
• Another shout out to RESULTS fitness half marathon training group for completing the Country Music Half Marathon—you all are ROCKSTARS!!!
• Attention Kentuckians: I will be in Lexington, KY on May 12th—15th conducting fitness consultations and training sessions. If you want to book a session, contact me ASAP.
• Congratulations to Amanda Sekulow on capturing the 2011 Mrs. Tennessee America crown. I am soo proud of you and your hard work! Vegas here we come…
• Good Luck to all the ladies competing in the Alabama/Mississippi United States Pageants this month.
• I was honored to serve as a special guest at the Capture the Crown Retreat in Martinsville, Indiana last month. Thanks to Sarah Glitzer of Spotlight Consulting, all the participants and volunteers for a great weekend! Remember ladies, COMMIT 2 be FIT!!!
• To everyone celebrating a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, etc. this month—Congratulations and Best Wishes!
On May 11th Dean Karnazes is scheduled to complete the 3,000 mile journey from California to New York City, finishing this unimaginable feat live on the Regis and Kelly show. I have been keeping up with Karnazes journey throughout the past three months. His average run per day has been 40-50 miles with a run time of up to 14 hours per day. After just completing the Country Music Half Marathon, which was 13.1 miles, I can’t imagine adding on another 20-30 miles to that per day everyday for three months (nor do I want too). However, I have enjoyed following his journey, as crazy as it is. Throughout his incredible journey, I have caught myself pondering the question of “What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” Ultimately enough, I have begun that attempt, which I am soo excited to share very soon. And as I close, I challenge you to do the same—whatever it may be…whether it is fitness, financial, health, love, etc. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
Until next time…
Commit 2 be FIT,
There is a new personal training facility in Nashville called Koko Fitclub you may want to checkout. Seems pretty cool. I think they have a location in Brentwood too.The website is http://www.kokofitclub.com